Just Married!
Jack and Janet went off to Kona to have a little fun! They came back married. Just goes to show that true love is worth the wait..as it's Janet's first and foreva marriage.

Last year April Janet and I sat down after work and made a list of all the qualities she wanted in a guy...at the top of the list?....must love dogs...and considering her rambunctious tribe of pets including pitbulls, a mangled love bird that survived a cat attack and a cat...that was a tall order!
She's one woman who knows how to use her magic that's for sure because by all accounts, Jack's been getting rave reviews and met all the criteria. And trust me..I've been asking folks!

At long last Janet's dad walks her down the aisle --- or thru the hibiscus bushes...whatever...I had dinner with her family last year. What a bunch of funny people. Now I know where she gets her sense of humor.

So what kind of friend is Janet? Janet's the kind of superior friend that when I asked her to send some aloha to Rob whose in Hawaii for cataracts surgery...She immediately wrote him...demanded he meet them for pau hana cocktails..and then insisted on picking him up after his surgery despite the fact that the hospital is two blocks from where he's staying. Never mind she had to take off work and drive an hour to get him. Despite his insistence to take a cab for the two minute drive! She's as stubborn as a coconut is hard with more aloha than the Pacific is deep.

I miss Hawaii and its people! I especially miss Janet. But Jack and Janet will be in Sicily and June, and we'll be there to meet their cruise ship with an armful of hugs, and a basketful of wine and cheese!