Sunday, July 08, 2007

7.07.07 - My Lucky Revelation

I want you to meet Onorio. I really like this man and his wife Lisa. Onorio grew up with 33 children on a farm in northern Italy. His father and his two uncles each had 11 kids.

We were invited to their 17th wedding anniversary celebration yesterday.

And somewhere between wine, antipasto and limoncello…something occurred to me.

One of the many spirited conversations of the evening was about how people of certain faith believe their bodies are their temples and this is why certain foods and drinks are not a part of their repertoire of pleasures.

But it also made me think...

And as I watched Lisa and Onorio working together – their hands overflowing with hospitality and joy, tossing the pasta, washing dishes, ensuring the wine and ice were flowing and basically working their butts off on their own anniversary to ensure everyone had fat bellies, happy spirits and great conversation, I became even more convinced that the secret to keeping "the temple" in good shape is to keep the spirit healthy by giving generously to others, living with gratitude, loving deeply and serving selflessly.

I think it might be totally possible that if you live your entire life in the same groovy vibe you're in when you are serving as a gracious and generous host and hostess that the temple may just take care of itself.


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