Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sicily on Sale!

Today I met the Brickleys, a lovely American teacher duo, whose life is calling them to Florida. An afternoon in their villa nestled on the mountain slopes of Zafferana is like stepping into a page of Better Homes & Gardens.

Joyce is a passionate photographer. Her photo studio is more like a shrine to Sicily and her work truly captures the spirit of Sicily's food, faces and places.

Their Zafferana villa is for sale for 500,000 euro (about $700,000) and boasts a view from Mt. Etna all the way to Mainland Italy. Any kamaaina will tell you it's a steal.

Rob and are looking to buy a house on Oahu, where the median single family home is $650,000. I'm monitoring the Oahu inventory daily and $740,000 will buy you a 1900- square foot house with 4-bedrooms on a 1/10th of an acre in a track home community where you can toss a pineapple out your window and it'll land on your neighbor's kitchen counter. As a special bonus, the developer will even toss in a 1 to 1.5 hr commute to your office in downtown Honolulu for free--no charge.

For kids in Hawaii, the American dream is a mystery. And that's why the Census Bureau will tell you that there are more Hawaiians outside of Hawaii than there are in paradise.

A popular phrase is "Lucky we live Hawaii!"

Rather...Lucky we live Sicily!


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