Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Good Friday in Enna!

This statue depicts the rebirth and return of Persephone, marking the beginning of Spring. The message was fitting considering we arrived to Enna on March 22, the day after the first day of Spring 2008.

Enna is considered the mythological location where Perspehone was abducted by Pluto to live in the underworld for a portion of the year.

Enna is smack dab in the center of Sicily, about 2 hours drive from home and is a walled, hilltop city - which means it's got all the characteristics of my favorite urban design!

On the left are new arrivals to Sicily Joe and Sue of Philadelphia, along with our friends and their "sponsors" Thomas and Kelly. At Sigonella, they call it 'sponsoring' where you serve as their temporary guardian to help them assimilate into their new life. But often times, it's just typical Hawaiian style hanai ohana. (adopted family).


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