Ragin' Ragu of Rovigo!
Onorio doesn't speak English. I don't speak Italian except for a handful of discombobilated words. Onorio invites very few people in to his kitchen and I had been pestering him for an invitation -- and was grateful when I was one of three people he recently allowed to wiggle in the back door.
Onorio grew up on a farm in Rovigo near Venice and road his pet pig to school.
So here's his Ragin' Ragu that is well worth the effort...
Saute soffrito (minced celery, garlic, onion, parsley stalks, carrots) - a mainstay base used in many Italian recipes. Add one of those little dried chili peppers for a kick in the okole (butt).
Give that ground beef and sausage (squeezed out of the skin) a nice brown sun tan in the pan with in a splash of olive oil. (My mom would probably make this without the pork and use ground turkey instead of beef...and that would be ok...just don't tell Onorio) Add to the soffrito.
Add sage, 3 bay leaves, rosemary, chopped parley leaves and pinch of nutmeg. Simmer with the meat mixture to release aroma.