Saturday, August 04, 2007

My Isi Hissy: We've fallen thru the rabbit hole!

Where can you find a pink-haired fire dancer, a piano bar, a pizzeria, gladiator supper show, Italian restaurant, a tattered faux windmill and a disco pulsating with American music - all under one roof? Oh..I forgot to mention...a bounce castle too.

Isivillage feels more like falling through the rabbit hole into a kitschy Sicilian wonderland on LSD...

It was kind of fitting to find myself here as the night before I had dreamt that Tim Allen created a documentary on surfing in Israel and renewed his fame status in Hollywood...

So I know that all is a little off kilter in my world.

I found myself standing before this little stage fantasizing about how this ensemble came together. Grandma Genevive died and so they put her dining set chairs here. Salvatore's sister gave up her brothel for God and donated her leopard couch to the cause.

...And as for that wad of nylon net curtain draped over gradma's chairs? ....Cousin Carmella couldn't resist the deal of the day at the market so she bought all that net for wedding favor bombinieri only to find that her daughter ditched her fiancee and ran off with the macelleria man (the butcher).


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