Nelson's Castle thru Sharp's words & eyes
Can you find the bell?
"....The bell in the great courtyard clangs, and I know that it is time to start for the long drive to Bronte, where my host has one of his ever recurrent legal cases to attend to- -for in this still only half-civilised, Mafia-ridden, brigand-haunted country the people, individually, communally, and regionally, are extraordinarily combative both in aggression and in the defence of real and imaginary wrongs..." - writes Sharp in 1903

The lava cross references Nelson's victory on the Nile. However, the castle that bears his name was not given for kicking Napolean's ass in Alexandria--it was given in thanks for his support in squelching a violent uprising in Naples and helping to restore the monarchy.
The King and Queen had fled to Palermo, along with the Britain's ambassador to Naples (and his beloved collection of Pompei relic vases, which were lost at sea and to history) and his infamous fashionista wife Lady Hamilton.
Britain said, "Shame! Shame!" to Nelson's involvement to squashing Naples longing to become a republic, and restore the throne.
Well, is that the pot calling the kettle black or what?

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